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Earn College Credit in High School

Students in a large lecture hall listen intently to a speaker on the stage.

Black Hawk College provides opportunities for high school students in its district to take college-level courses before graduating from high school. These state-supported opportunities are known as dual credit and dual enrollment courses. In partnership with local school districts, Black Hawk College offers these courses in response to the educational needs that school administrators have identified for their students.

Financial Aid

Financial Aid is not available to dual credit/dual enrollment students; however, dual credit/dual enrollment classes count as credits attempted/completed and are included when determining a student’s academic progress and eligibility for future financial aid.

College Credit

Dual Enrollment courses are held at Black Hawk College. Only college credit is awarded to the student. Credits appear on the students’ Black Hawk College transcript, and can be applied toward degrees and certificates at Black Hawk College or transferred to oth